Next GDPS is a project coming from an inside joke between the owners. This is the first ever 2-player based GDPS, giving creators a specific area to work on, and a new experience to the players. I know you're asking why you should choose us already, here are your answers:
> Since the clan feature is seen a bit pointless in its current state, we are gonna be hosting tournaments between clans to grant them a meaning. Don't worry, there will be prizes for those...
> With the plans of being managed by M336 and FreadFries, this GDPS is left to be carried on my arms. Although he quit in a bunch of places, so keep that in mind.
> For the context of this GDPS, the rates will also rely on the 2-player mechanics, creating a more set standard system where the creator has a clearer pathway.
> We have released in 11th Janurary 2025, being relatively new. Even though all I have written doesn't seem like much, I will keep it growing and will not let those down who join along.
Thats gonna be it from us, for now... We will always have more prepared for you guys, so see you in the other side!
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