First version: January 2021
Second version: November 2021
Third version: March 2022
Fourth version: July 2022
Fifth version: August 2022

Last update: 10th July 2023


All the website's code (HTML & CSS), and some assets are all made by JerosGamer89. The PHP and SQL code have been written by LBlazen and MathieuAR. All this work is protected and licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. Please, read this license and all its terms before copying, modifying, reverse engineer or distribute our code and/or image assets.

All icons used across this website were distributed and made by Big shotout to them for their amazing free icons library.

Terms of Service

You must respect the ToS and conditions below to continue the use of this service ("website" and "client"). "Website" is refered as this website ( whereas "client" is refered to the executable program available to download in the Download page (, the program itself. Refered to the website administrators and responisbles as "The GDPS Hub Team". Please, be aware that only the english version of this Terms below are legally binding, while translations of these documents may be provided for your convenience and ease by the community, they are not legal documents and the english version will prevail the translations.

If any term is not defined properly, you may contact us to ask your doubts about anything in this page. For contacting us, please use our dedicated email for this project ([email protected]), and our Discord server as a more informal and less valid for complaints or claims, fact to be kept in mind as we legally treat with people through formal technologies, such as electronic mailing. Further information about this in the article #9.


The purpose of both "website" and "client" is to distribute modified copies of a game (Geometry Dash, modified copies called "GDPS") not related to the creators of this website ("The GDPS Hub Team"). Being this modified copies of a game often considered as illegal, we still offer the download and distribution of this copies of the game (Geometry Dash) as long as the client or user (you) has bought a copy of the game on whichever platform it is sold genuinely. By imposing this requirement to the users, we enforce people to buy the original game, so the copies distributed in this "website" are not free whereas they support the original author (by paying for the original game). "The GDPS Hub Team" does not get any money profit from the "website" nor "client".


This site ("website") offers information about game projects of people that are not part of the "website" administrators team, unless it is specified in the project (known as the GDPS page) page. We cannot confirm the information written by the users is accurate. We are not responsible about any misunderstanding or error in the information written by the user.


The "website", "client", images, features and functionalities are owned by "The GDPS Hub Team" and protected by the fourth version of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. A copy of this license can be found at the official CC website ( Some images were made by, all the rest are licensed under the previously mentioned Creative Commons License and made by "JerosGamer89", having the rights and property of those images.


We may and shall terminate your access to this "website" and "client" if we notice any rule is being broken (go to -Website terms and rules- for further reference) or if we, "The GDPS Hub Team", consider it right. This implies all your account information and "GDPS" published being permanently deleted from our services with no warning needed (we may get in contact with you in any possible way). Using any of our services will result in a new account being opened by and for you, with the exception of permanently banning the Username from your previous terminated account.


"The GDPS Hub Team" reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time as it sees fit and your continued use of the "website" and "client" will signify your acceptance and agreement of any adjustment to these terms. Furthermore, we, "The GDPS Hub Team", have the legal obligation of informing our users of any modification of these terms on whatever platform is best based on our decision.


Our products ("website" and "client") are provided "as is" with no warranty or liability for any outcomes of using Them and/or any content you may or may not interact with on the Products, and you agree that "The GDPS Hub Team" is not liable for any events in the past, in current times or in the future. You agree to hold harmless against the Products and "The GDPS Hub Team" for every possible situation except for those we accept full responsibility off. We (The GDPS Hub Team) are not responsible and will not take responsibility for the behaviour of other parties using Our Products.


This agreement is governed in accordance with the laws of the European Union.


There is not actual way to revoke or appealing a ban/account termination. If you want to know further details about your termination, contact us by e-mail ([email protected]) including your "website" account username and proof of our e-mail about your ban in case it was sent to you.


If you have any questions, requests or complaints about whatever made or controlled by "The GDPS Hub Team", contact us by e-mail ([email protected]). We will not reply within a certain amount of days, but we may take less than a natural month (30 days) to respond with a proper answer. Our Discord server can be used as a way to communicate with the administrators of this platform, "The GDPS Hub Team", but as an informal way and not legally covered for any claim, complain or request that may have legal or serious repercussions. Only the electronic mail is the valid method to communicate with us if anything serious is going on, otherwise we recommend using our Discord server for faster waiting times, depending on the amount of users that could abuse of ability to answer messages and questions.


This "website" may use cookies for internal global usage statistics. To disallow this cookies, you shall stop using all of our services ("website" and "client").


We're not responsible of any kind of problem related to the GDPS in-game. The GDPS Hub Team is only responsible with the problems that are related to this website and not the software distributed by the users through our website. Any damage caused to the players must be GDPS owner's responsibility. This exempt us, The GDPS Hub Team, of any damage that can be caused due to malicious software distributed by the GDPS owner and publisher. Therefore, we, The GDPS Hub Team, as holders and developers of this website, we also have the obligation and may detect this cases as soon as we are able to and punish guilty users with a indefinite ban of our platform and the removal of the GDPS from our "website", and by consequent, "client" usaged included likewise.


The GDPS Hub Team does not own or develop the applications distributed and provided, being the "client" the only exception to this case. The only software we don't own nor develop is the software provided by the users, found at the Find page in the "website" ( and in the Find page of the "client". We are not held responsible for any damage to your computer caused by this software. For more information, consult 16. For a better explanation of what "third-party software", please read our article on the Support page,

If you added third-party software to the download, you must check the checkbox in the form question about external software asked when adding a new GDPS.


The administrators have not reviewed all of the sites linked to its "website" and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by the comapny of the. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.


The administrators may revise these Terms of Use for its website at any time, with a provided notice to the most possible users that have already agreed to previous versions of this Terms of Use. The administrators may announce and reach out as many users as possible to notice them about the all the changes made up from the previous version of these Terms. Nonetheless, it is not ensured all users may notice, thus "website" and "client" users may also revise these Terms in search of new changes made. The last revision date is always noted at the beggining of this page (


The GDPS Hub Team is not affiliated in any way with Apple Computer Inc., or any of their partners. All copyrights and licenses reserved to their respective owners.


The administrators do not claim ownership of the Content, being the "Content" all the images, text and software provided by the end user as a result of the use of our services ("website" and "client"). The administrators may quote, redistribute or reproduce in whole or part of your Content (if it is made public) in order to promote your submissions on the site and/or the partner sites with the reason of promoting our services ("website" and "client"). By using this "website" and "client" you agree to the following:


We handle any reports or copyright claims and take swift action to remove any infringing content. Please report any violations of the ToS to us at [email protected].


All the adult restricted content is forbidden in all our services ("website" and "client"), this meaning any "NSFW" content can't appear nor in your profile and published "GDPS". We may take action by terminating your access to the website or permanently delete the information published, depending on the severity of the events.


We do not sell or gather personal information provided to the website. The "website" only recollects the Users' e-mail addresses for the accounts system, being this information not accessible for any of the "The GDPS Hub Team" staff.


The materials appearing on our services ("website" and "client") could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. The administrators do not warrant that any of the materials on its services are accurate, complete or current. The administrators may make changes to the materials contained on the services at any time without notice (unless it is the Terms of Servic and Use). The administrators do not, however, make any commitment to update the materials.


By using "Our Products", you acknowledge all above Terms. You acknowledge that, even if you did not read the Terms in full, you will comply with our Terms.

Client End of User License Agreement (EULA)

These are the terms gathered in the End of User License Agreement of the GDPS Hub Client, the program provided through our website ( GDPS Hub Client is hereby refered to as the "the client" or simply "client".


Permission is granted to download a copy of the client provided by the developers and administrators of the website (The GDPS Hub Team), to be executed and used as a grant of license and not as a transfer of title. You may not:

This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by the administrators (The GDPS Hub Team) at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.


The software/materials on the website ( are provided "as is". The administrators make no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties.


In no event shall the administrators or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption), arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on the administrators' website, even if the company or anybody authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage.

Due to some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations or liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you. Please see XX. for information about Limitations in 3rd-party software provided on the website and client.


Mostly all the previous terms detailed in the ToS (Terms of Service) also apply to this End of User License Agreement or Terms of Use of the "client". If any term from the ToS is not suitable in this situation, only the repercussions over the use of the "client" will be valid.

Discord server rules

The only rules valid for the Discord server are these. Any other copy of this rules whether it is in the Discord server itself or any other unauthorized or unofficial will not be valid, even if it is written or posted by an allowed user representative for the administrators (The GDPS Hub Team).

    Before reading anything, make sure you have already read and comply with Discord's Terms.
  1. Use common sense. Of course you don't want to talk with people with curly English or senses.
  2. Respect people. Doxxing, scamming and stuff is prohibited! Of course doxxing and stuff above is serious! If you attempt to do, you'll get banned. Also don't think a small insult will not harm cause in some cases it can.
  3. No NSFW. I think everyone understands this already.
  4. Use every channel for its intended purpose. Example: don't use bots in #general
  5. Do not spam.
  6. Do not impersonate people. This is a generic rule so I hope you understand.
  7. Do not joke or talk about religions, races, ect. It can offend people so please be careful.
  8. Follow the Discord TOS and CG. Failing to follow atleast one rule in TOS and CG will can get you banned.
  9. Don't send malicious links.
    - We don't want those cheecky fake download links inside our server.
    - This applies for: Malware, IP Grabber, GIF or images that can crash your Discord, etc.
  10. Don't raid.
    - We don't want any un-wholesome raid coming towards us and the server.
    - Anyone involved in the raid will get banned.
  11. Don't be racist.
  12. Whenever the staff tells you to stop doing something, obey, and stop. If you keep going, you'll be warned.
  13. Don't evade punishements. Leaving the server in efforts of avoiding punishmen is strictly forbidden and will result in an even more serious punishment of what you were originally supposed to get prior to trying to evade.